

I love interviews. Being interviewed I mean. Well, I love to talk about anything especially when the topic is one of my interests. I think the very first interview that I had was with a guidance counselor back in college. That interview was part of the enrollment process for freshmen. It was a nice interview probably because of it being on a personal level. The interviews that followed were for a job application.

What I like about interviews is not the fact that I can express myself to others. As an only child, I rarely have good conversations even with my mom. What I meant good is equivalent to a free or open topic where I can talk about anything without being judged or criticized. That’s why during interviews I feel that I’m talking and listening to my inner self at the same time. Not just merely answering a question by an interviewer or expounding a solution to a problem. And at times I tend to realize something while doing it. That there are things that I felt which I ignored or just don’t plainly notice.

Interviews just make me excited because I’ll never know what I would eventually learn from my inner self.